Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


MSACL 2025

Montréal Sept 21-26

Educational Grant Partners: Why no logos? CME.

Brian Kelly

Industry Roundtables

Early Bird Deadline: March 18, 2025.

Download Exhibitor Prospectus

The Industry Roundtable Application is in the Exhibitor Prospectus that can be downloaded by clicking the button above.

Industry Roundtable Assignments

Roundtables will be assigned by MSACL.

Roundtable Logistics

Industry Roundtables provide an opportunity for MSACL conference attendees to learn more about specific applications or products of interest as presented by sponsoring exhibitors.

These roundtables are offered at no charge to attendees.

Title (100 characters w spaces) & Summary (400 characters w spaces)
must be submitted to by July 31, 2025
to make the conference digest program.

Roundtable Promotion

As a Roundtable Sponsor, to promote your event you will be provided ONE (1) use of the email list of attendees that have not opted out of exhibitor contact.

You will also be permitted to place one piece of signage no larger than 8.5x11" in the middle of your roundtable.

Industry Roundtables Summaries

Chromsystems : Can automated LC-MSMS workflows hold the key to enhancing diagnostic efficiency and reliability? TBA - Pending Booking