Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


MSACL 2025

Montr?al Sept 21-26

Educational Grant Partners: Why no logos? CME.

Brian Kelly

Agenda (Preliminary) - View Program

Thursday, September 25



Registration + Help Desk

Location: Foyer, Conference Level

Breakfast Roundtables

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)

Peggi Angel, PhD

MUSC Proteomics Center

Emma Guiberson, PhD

Middlebury College

Emily Harari, BS

Artyc PBC

Table TBA: Multi-omics by the MS Imaging Platform : What's new and what's needed?

Peggi Angel

Table TBA: Undergraduate Research in Mass Spectrometry: How to make our labs more undergraduate friendly.

Emma Guiberson

More and more industries are looking for graduates trained in mass spectrometry, even at the bachelors level. Training our undergraduate population in these technologies is important now more than ever, yet requires a very different approach than graduate students. How do we best prepare our undergraduates for both industry and academic experiences using MS? What systems do we need in place within our labs to both support these students, and ensure consistency in data collection, analysis, and reporting? How do we keep these systems in place with the high rates of turnover in undergraduate researchers compared to graduate students? This brainstorming and networking roundtable will address these questions and share positive and negative experiences that can help inform groups including undergraduates moving forward.

Table TBA: Patient centric remote sampling for clinical diagnostics – How do we integrate these samples with existing (non-MS) laboratory workflows?

Emily Harari, Shelley Hossenlopp, Enaksha Wickremsinhe, Dajana Vuckovic, Russell Grant

Numerous technologies are now commercially available that facilitate the collection of human blood samples in locations away from the clinical setting. This approach is termed patient centric sampling, or microsampling and can involve the collection of samples from a finger stick, or from elsewhere on the body. The samples can be dried, or liquid and are often a smaller volume than those obtained by traditional phlebotomy.

The use of these approaches potentially enables samples to be collected from currently underserved communities (pediatric, elderly, remote areas, etc). Furthermore, the approach may enable more regular sampling of individuals to be performed and facilitates choice for the patient about how and where samples will be collected. These technologies also have the potential to overcome the discomfort, pain and fear that is encountered by many when collecting samples by traditional phlebotomy. However, the format of samples collected this way is often different to those routinely analyzed in the clinical laboratory, i.e. small volume, whole blood, dried blood, particularly for non LC/MS based assays. Participants of this workshop will take part in a facilitated discussion on what the challenges are in the clinical laboratory to the adoption of these technologies and will then focus on how they might be overcome and what future activities might be required to enable this.

Table TBA: Women in Laboratory Leadership Roles

Stacy Beal

This discussion will focus on the importance and impact of women in leadership roles within the laboratory. Despite the increasing representation of women in healthcare, leadership positions remain disproportionately occupied by men. This discussion aims to highlight the barriers women face in advancing to leadership roles, such as gender bias, lack of mentorship, and work-life balance challenges. Additionally, we will discuss the critical value women bring to laboratory leadership, including diverse perspectives, empathy, and innovative approaches to patient care and organizational management. We will examine strategies for fostering gender equity in leadership, including mentorship programs, organizational support for work-life integration, and policies aimed at addressing unconscious bias. Furthermore, we will explore the role of male allies in advancing these efforts and the importance of creating inclusive environments that allow women to thrive in senior roles. Through this discussion, we will propose actionable insights and recommendations.

Table TBA: Ensuring Statistical Power in Biomarker Discovery in Assay Development

Tim Collier

Table TBA: Multi-Analyte QC

Stephen Master, Russ Grant

Waters Petite Suite

Location: Westmount 1

Thermo Petite Suite

Location: Outremont 1

Coffee & Exhibits

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)


Location: Foyer, Conference Level

Scientific Session 3

Location: Montreal 1-2

Scientific Session 3

Location: Montreal 3

Scientific Session 3

Location: Montreal 4

Scientific Session 3

Location: Montreal 5

Scientific Session 3

Location: Montreal 6-8


Location: Foyer, Conference Level

Scientific Session 4

Location: Montreal 1-2

Scientific Session 4

Location: Montreal 3

Scientific Session 4

Location: Montreal 4

Scientific Session 4

Location: Montreal 5

Scientific Session 4

Location: Montreal 6-8

Lunch & Exhibits

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)

Poster Session #3

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)

Plenary Lecture

Location: Montreal 4-5

Poster Session #4

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)

Poster Tours

Location: St Laurent (Exhibits)

Scientific Session 5

Location: Montreal 1-2

Scientific Session 5

Location: Montreal 3

Scientific Session 5

Location: Montreal 4

Scientific Session 5

Location: Montreal 5

Scientific Session 5

Location: Montreal 6-8


Location: Foyer, Conference Level

Scientific Session 6

Location: Montreal 1-2

Scientific Session 6

Location: Montreal 3

Scientific Session 6

Location: Montreal 4

Scientific Session 6

Location: Montreal 5

Scientific Session 6

Location: Montreal 6-8

Closing Reception & Poster Awards

Location: Salon Ville-Marie, Hotel Level

Closing statements and poster awards.

MSACL Hospitality Lounge

Location: Salon Ville-Marie, Hotel Level