Krzysztof Gorynski (Presenter)
Collegium MedicumNicolaus Copernicus University
Bio: Dr. Krzysztof Goryński holds a M.Sc. (2008; with excellence), and a Ph.D. (2014; with hons) from Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland. He attended short- and long-term scholarships eg. in University of Waterloo, Canada; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Oslo, Norway; University of Messina, Italy. He is PI (2014-2017) of pre-doctoral grant PRELUDIUM (50,000 $) founding by National Science Center in Poland. He also actively participated in the project “Evaluation of Solid Phase Microextraction for improved Multi-Residue Extraction and Analysis of Prohibited Substances by LC-MS/MS” supported by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA).
Authorship: Krzysztof Gorynski(1), Vincent Bessonneau(2), Janusz Pawliszyn(2), Barbara Bojko(1,2)
(1)Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Short Abstract One of the directions in the area of monitoring prohibited substances in biological matrices is utilization of alternative specimens i.e oral fluid, sweat, etc. This forces development of new analytical protocols permitting to meet high requirements of data quality to be considered acceptable by international supervising agencies. Current studies present the use of solid phase microextraction coupled to LC-MS/MS platform for analysis of banned substances in oral fluid. Up-to-date results show the limits of detection at pg/mL levels, thus showing potential of the approach to be used as fast, and sensitive tool for screening of prohibited substances in alternative matrices. |
Long Abstract
Screening and identification studies of unknown or targeted compounds from small amounts of biofluids are nowadays commonly conducted with liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) as an analytical tool. The sensitivity, selectivity and speed of modern LC-MS instruments have been considerably increased over the last few years. In particular, the use of recently introduced high-resolution MS instruments offer great mass accuracy, high full scan detection sensitivity as well as the detection of both known and unknown analytes in a single LC-MS run. However, with recent trends moving towards higher sample throughput during multi-compound bioanalysis, the development of efficient sample preparation methods, as well as the use of simple chemometric tools for processing of large chromatographic data sets, are in increasing demand.
Recent trends in sample preparation include shifts towards automation, high-throughput, miniaturization, and extraction methodology with low or no solvent consumption. Solid phase micorextraction (SPME) is the method, which offers great flexibility in terms of sampling devices from small diameter fibers to the thin film in its blade and membrane configurations. The method can be use in both, in vitro and in vivo mode and its capable to extract substances from various biological matrices due to the biocompatibility of the materials used for devices preparation. The automation of the technology permits parallel analysis of up to 96-samles thus significantly improving throughput.
The applicability of the method for analysis of prohibited substances in urine, plasma and blood has been already demonstrated [1,2]. The ongoing studies expend utilization of the technology for saliva analysis as an alternative specimen. The main advantage of the approach is non-invasiveness and easy access to the material. However, there are also difficulties related to such analysis i.e. very low concentration thus sensitivity of the assay. This becomes even more challenging with microextraction techniques. The results show that coupling of the SPME with mass spectrometers utilizing newest solutions in the field provide excellent sensitivity allowing to quantify prohibited substances at low to high pg/mL levels.
References & Acknowledgements:
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Centre of Science of Poland (grant PRELUDIUM no. 2013/11/N/ST4/01017).
[1] E. Boyacý, K. Gorynski, A. Rodriguez-Lafuente, B. Bojko, J. Pawliszyn, Anal. Chim. Acta 809 (2014) 69-81
[2] N. Reyes-Garcés, B. Bojko, J. Pawliszyn, J. Chromatogr. A, 1374 (2014) 40-49
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