= Discovery stage. (16.60%, 2024)
= Translation stage. (37.02%, 2024)
= Clinically available. (46.38%, 2024)
MSACL 2024 : Wishart

MSACL 2024 Abstract

Self-Classified Topic Area(s): Practical Training > Metabolomics > none

Podium Presentation in Colton on Thursday at 10:30 (Chair: Grace van der Gugten)

Translating Quantitative LC-MS Metabolomics Assays To The Clinic

David Wishart
University of Alberta

David Wishart, PhD (Presenter)
University of Alberta

Presenter Bio: Dr. David Wishart (PhD Yale, 1991) was born and raised in Edmonton and identifies as Metis. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Since 1995, he has been a professor at the University of Alberta. Currently, he is a Distinguished University Professor in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Computing Science with adjunct appointments in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. His research interests are broad and include metabolomics, analytical chemistry, food chemistry, natural product chemistry, molecular biology, protein chemistry and neuroscience. He has developed several widely used techniques using NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography to characterize the structures of both large and small molecules. He has led the “Human Metabolome Project” (HMP), a multi-university, multi-investigator project that catalogued >250,000 human metabolites in human tissues and biofluids. This information has been archived on a freely accessible web-resource called the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB). More recently, his efforts have focused on characterizing the chemical constituents in various foods (through the FooDB database) and food-associated biomarkers. His lab has used machine learning and artificial intelligence to create >60 useful databases and software tools to help characterize and identify microbial metabolites, drugs, pesticides, and natural products. During his career, Dr. Wishart has published >500 papers in high impact journals on many subject areas and has been cited >100,000 times.


Session Description:

This Practical Training session will be divided into two parts. Part I will focus on teaching participants about the protocols and methods required to carry out quantitative MS-based metabolomics, while Part II will emphasize the necessary quality management systems needed to ensure the successful translation of these MS-based assays to clinic. The workshop will close with an example of how an MS-based metabolomics assay was translated to the clinic.

Part I will briefly describe the principles of quantitative metabolomics, acting as a prelude to more extensive discussions about required reagents, necessary calibration protocols, preferred validation methods, and available data analysis options to facilitate quantitative metabolomics. Examples will be presented of various quantitative assays that have been developed by the Wishart lab and some of the challenges encountered in the process.

Part II will briefly describe the concepts of quality management and outline the requirements and differences between the ISO 17025 and 15189 accreditation process, and essential steps for taking quantitative assays to the clinical stage. A real-world example of how a quantitative MS-based metabolomics assay has transitioned from the discovery phase to a clinical assay will be discussed, highlighting challenges and lessons learned in the process.

Attendees will also be informed of a comprehensive 5-day "hands-on" MSACL-sponsored workshop which will provide a more in-depth exploration of the concepts presented in this introductory “teaser” session.

Take Home Pearls:
(1) Understand the fundamental principles and protocols needed to perform quantitative MS-based metabolomics, (2) Gain insight into the quality management systems required for effectively translating MS-based assays to the clinical setting, (3) Learn about the processes for ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 accreditation for MS-based metabolomic assays, (4) Recognize the potential challenges in developing quantitative assays and the solutions to overcome them, (5) Get introduced to real-world examples of translating quantitative MS-based metabolomics assays from the discovery phase to clinical application.

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