Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


Journal of Mass Spectrometry & Advances in the Clinical Lab (JMSACL)

:: The Journal of Mass Spectrometry & Advances in the Clinical Lab (JMSACL) is owned by MSACL and licensed to Elsevier for publication.

Submit Your Manuscript Here

Year Name Impact Factor Cite Score Notes
2016 CMS -- --
2017 CMS -- 1.0
2018 CMS -- 1.3
2019 CMS 1.17 1.7
2020 CMS 2.146 2.4
2021 CMS 2.0 -- Name changed to JMSACL as of Jan 1
2022 CMS 2.1 -- Impact Factor split with JMSACL, last year of tracking.
2021 JMSACL -- 3.3
2022 JMSACL 2.2 3.7 Impact Factor split with CMS
2023 JMSACL 3.1 4.3


Platinum Open Access with Pay-What-You-Can

JMSACL operates under a Platinum Open Access Pay-What-You-Can publishing model with a recommended contribution of $900.

While MSACL guarantees all publishing costs, authors are encouraged to support a portion of these costs.

The range for most scientific open access publishing is generally between $1500-3500. MSACL is suggesting a payment amount of $900, although this amount can be reduced on an as-needed basis.

The success of the Pay-What-You-Can program over the coming months will dictate whether we move to a required APC fee with waivers for discounts only being provided following specific application, or whether we continue on this trailblazing path. Authors are invoiced once their manuscript has entered the copyediting phase, following scientific review and immediately prior to publication.

Aims & Scope

JMSACL publishes peer-reviewed articles addressing mass spectrometry and other advances in Laboratory Medicine and Pathology with a focus on development of diagnostic and related applications, including data science, to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Beyond communication of the application of technologies in the routine clinical diagnostic setting, by publishing critically validated analytical protocols, the journal also addresses the translation of experimental techniques and analytical research into patient care, and the use of these technologies in clinical research and routine patient management. The scope of the journal is not restricted to any particular technology, but covers the entire range of technologies and advancements that are expected to impact the clinical lab.

The journal encourages submissions having a clear path to patient care, including basic and translational research, and animal studies.

Subject areas covered by the journal include, but are not restricted to:

Clinical Studies and Implementation
Cross-Technology Investigations
Data Science
Error Sources, Risk Assessment and Patient Safety
Harmonization and Standardization
Metabolomics and Metabolic Analyses
Method Development and Validation
Neonatal Screening
New Technologies
Point-of-Care Technologies
Protein Quantification
Protein Variant Detection
Quality Management
Reference Methods and Materials
Regulatory Aspects in Diagnostic Applications
Sample Preparation
Separation Science
Small Molecules
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Types of Submissions Considered

Reviews, graphical reviews, mini-reviews, original research papers, short communications (e.g., letters, case studies, protocols, application notes, developed poster presentations), guidelines and best practice documents, tutorials, invited editorials, opinions.

Page Charges

This journal currently has no page charges but is requesting payments of $900 per published manuscript. All papers submitted are published as Open Access.