Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™
Privacy Notice: Your name, affiliation, position and/or photo may be posted on the MSACL website, if you (1) submit an abstract that is accepted for presentation, or (2) make a donation to MSACL (that you do not specify to be anonymous)
We do not have plans for a public directory, but if that changes, you will be notified and you will need to opt-in to be included. Contact information will never be shared or placed online unless specifically requested by the owner of that information.
To be emailed a validation code so that you can initiate or update your Profile, please enter the info requested below.
Guidance: If you do not receive an email when you request a validation code, it is likely because your mail server blocked it. Emails sometimes do not even make it into spam because they are rejected by a customized (usually corporate) firewall rule set. This occurs less frequently with personal email servers, like Once you establish your profile with MSACL we recommend that you consider including at least one personal email account -- you can include a total of 3 email accounts. Any MSACL emails will be sent to all of your profile email accounts. You may also log into your profile page with any of the email addresses.