Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



Salzburg, Austria September 10-14


Help Us Reach Our Educational Support Goal of $40,000
Educational Travel Grants supported in part by:


May 11, 2017TRAVEL GRANT Application
May 11, 2017PODIUM Consideration (extended, see below)
June 22, 2017POSTER Consideration
for notification before EB deadline.
June 22, 2017PODIUM Consideration (deadline revised)
--> EXTENDED from May 11, following notice of significant new product releases occurring at ASMS and EuroMedlab, to accommodate abstract submission following release.
--> Not expected to impact publication of preliminary scientific program by July 7.
June 30, 2017Travel Grant Notification
June 30, 2017Abstract Status Notifications for submissions received by June 22
July 13, 2017EarlyBird Registration Ends
(1) Registration Deadline for Podium Presenters.
(2) If you intend to submit an abstract you should register now. If your abstract is not accepted your registration will be refunded at 100%.
August 3, 2017Regular Registration Ends
(1) Registration required for poster presenters to be included in program.
(2) You cannot reserve a printed Program after this date.
(3) You will receive a Paper ID congress badge after this date.

Online registration remains open through congress at Late Rates.

August 3, 2017NO REFUND after this date if registrant has an abstract accepted for presentation at the congress.
August 3, 2017POSTER Consideration
to make printed program.
August 16, 2017POSTER Consideration
to make online program.
August 17, 2017Last Day for 90% Refund if no abstract accepted.
August 29, 2017Last Day for 50% Registration Refund if no abstract accepted.
NO REFUND after this date.