Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



Salzburg, Austria September 10-14


Help Us Reach Our Educational Support Goal of $40,000
Educational Travel Grants supported in part by:

Exploratory Activities (aka MSACL Labs)

Poster Lightning Talks

Up to 15 posters will be selected to present their posters within 90 seconds and 1-3 slides from the plenary podium.

Exhibitor Lightning Talks

Up to 20 exhibitors will be selected to present their pitch within 90 seconds and 1-3 slides from the plenary podium.


An exploratory method to increase the interaction of young researchers with the more established personalities who attend the congress.

MEET-THE-EXPERTS: Poster Tours Join an expert as they tour the posters that they find interesting and participate in a dynamic discussion.

MEET-THE-EXPERTS: Booth Tours Join an expert as they tour the booths and learn more about technologies available, what experts are looking for during the exchange, and how they interact with the booth vendors. This is your chance to interact and exchange.

MEET-THE-EXPERTS: Office Hours Have a question from the congress that you have been itching to ask? Or a problem from work that you want to get feedback on? Or feedback on the congress? This is your chance. Sign up for 10- min blocks to share time and ideas with domain experts in a relaxed setting.