Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



Salzburg, Austria September 10-14


Help Us Reach Our Educational Support Goal of $40,000
Educational Travel Grants supported in part by:

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is assembled to review abstract submissions for the annual conference. This includes reviewing abstract submissions, suggesting plenary speakers, recruiting researchers to solicit abstracts for submission to the conference and identifying emerging topics of interest. The topics outlined below are the dominant topics addressed the MSACL conferences. MSACL encourages submissions in all areas of clinical mass spectrometry and evaluates abstracts that do not fall in the main topical categories listed below by a group composed of the Chair and the Topic Leads.


David Herold, PhD, MD
UCSD / VA Medical Center, San Diego


Brian Keevil, PhD (Lead)
University Hospital of South Manchester, Manchester, UK

Graeme Eisenhofer, PhD
University of Dresden, Germany

Flaminia Fanelli, PhD
University of Bologna - S.Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, Italy

Tom Fiers, MD
University of Ghent, Belgium

Laura Owen, PhD
University Hospital of South Manchester


Oleg Mayboroda, PhD (Lead)
Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Roland Geyer, PhD
Thermo Fisher Diagnostics

Julijana Ivanisevic, PhD
University of Lausanne

Elizabeth Want, PhD
Imperial College London


Jean Armengaud, PhD (Lead)
CEA-Marcoule, France

Irene Burckhardt, Dr. med,
University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

Stefan Zimmerman, MD
University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

Practical Training

Judy Stone, PhD (Lead)

Roland Geyer, PhD
Thermo Fisher Diagnostics

Grace van der Gugten
Provincial Health Services Authority, Canada

Michael Wright


Zoltan Takats, PhD (Lead)
Imperial College, London, UK

Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás, PhD
Biological Research Centre

Lars Melholt Rasmussen, MD, DMSc
Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark

TDM / Small Molecules

Jody van den Ouweland, PhD (Lead)
Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, The Netherlands

Ido Kema, Prof. Dr.
University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands

Michael Vogeser, Prof. Dr. med.
Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of the University of Munich, Germany

Tissue Imaging

Ron Heeren, Prof. Dr. (Lead)
Maastricht University

Tiffany Porta, PhD
Boehringer Ingelheim

Kristina Schwamborn, MD, PhD
Institute of Pathology, TU Munich