Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


MSACL 2025

Montréal Sept 21-26

Educational Grant Partners: Why no logos? CME.


Troubleshooting Cases

The MSACL Troubleshooting Forum provides a setting for discussion between LC-MSMS users working in clinical diagnostics.

If you've had an LC-MSMS problem that has either been resolved with troubleshooting techniques, or is still in the process of resolution - this is an opportunity to share your experience with other clinical laboratory users. The more resolution needed the better. Simple or complex, method development, method validation or production - all types of troubleshooting cases are needed. If you learned something from it, the chances are someone else can learn something as well.

The intent is to stimulate discussion and to propagate expertise and solutions on those aspects of the mass spectrometry experience that rarely see the light of day ... when everything goes horribly wrong. This is not about being perfect, or even close. Come to learn, or come to share. Or both. During the Troubleshooting Cases Session, a team of experienced users (and interested attendees) will listen to a brief summary by the troubleshooting case presenter, and then discuss the case and provide suggestions.

The goal for the Troubleshooting Cases is to have an informal interaction between the entire group of troubleshooting poster presenters and the reviewers. If other conference-goers join in, all the better. There are no firm guidelines for this session, but the idea is for the presenters to give a 3-5 minute summary of their poster to start off the discussion. Tell us about the problem encountered, and subsequent troubleshooting. The interaction is meant to be collegial, not critical, with the goal of attendees learning from the presenter's experience and the presenter learning from any insight the group can contribute. Troubleshooting Cases and other Practical Training events at MSACL are designed to promote networking and education in the clinical mass spectrometry community.

The Troubleshooting Cases will be presented in TBD.

Time and Date : TBD