Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


MSACL 2025

Montréal Sept 21-26

Educational Grant Partners: Why no logos? CME.


Continuing Medical Education (CME)

We are planning to offer CME AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ at the MSACL 2025 Montréal Conference for Scientific Sessions and Short Courses.

We are not planning to offer CE credits.

Almost all situations that accept educational validation via CE will also accept CME; the only one we know that is currently unable to do so is the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

CME Requirements

As part of CME accreditation, there are some specific requirements.

The most relevant requirements have to do with eliminating commercial bias and influence.

For instance, non-eligible (e.g., commercial) logos are not permitted to be shown as part of the educational content for the conference.

An individual who does not want to be influenced by an ineligible company must be able to attend the educational program of a CME-accredited conference and never view an ineligible logo, if that is their desire and intent.

Hence, within the main scientific session rooms, which are not designated as Industry Workshops, there should not be any ineligible logos.

This is why there are no logos on the conference website or in emails related to the conference.

However, the webpage and emails pertaining to MSACL Connect, our virtual platform, may contain logos of supporting vendors because these activities are separate from the accredited activity of the MSACL conference, and they do not currently provide an avenue to CME credit.