Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



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Troubleshooting Rounds

We are looking forward to our two Troubleshooting Poster Grand Rounds (TGR) sessions at MSACL in Palm Springs. Our inaugural TGR session at MSACL in Salzburg last September was very well received and by all accounts a great success, and we are hoping for the same (or even better!) in Palm Springs!

The goal for the troubleshooting grand rounds is to have an informal interaction between the entire group of troubleshooting poster presenters and the reviewers - myself, Will Thompson, Dan Holmes, Stephanie Marin and Sean Orlowicz. As well, if other conference-goers join in, all the better. There are no firm guidelines for this session, but the idea would be for the presenters to give a 3-5 minute summary of their poster to start off the discussion. Tell us about the problem you encountered, and how you went about troubleshooting. The interaction is meant to be collegial, not critical, with the goal of attendees learning from your experience and you learning from any insight the group can contribute. Troubleshooting Grand Rounds and other Practical Training events at MSACL are designed to promote networking and education in the clinical mass spectrometry community.

There will be two sessions next week in Palm Springs & we're planning for the order to be as follows: Tuesday evening 6:30-7:30pm (times are approximate):
1. 6:30pm: Poster #12C: Failed Linearity during Validation Due to Analyte Interfering with its own Internal Standard - Benjamin Beppler
2. 6:45pm: Poster #12D: The Case of Decreasing Internal Standard Peak Area for Cyclosporin A - Katerina Sadilkova
3. 7:00pm: Poster #13A: Solution to SIL IS Degradation in on On-Line Trypsin Digestions Coupled to LC-MS/MS Platform - Jeffrey Jones
4. 7:15pm: Poster #13B: Troubleshooting of Assay Weaknesses during Method Development - Russ Grant

On Tuesday, we will meet at Poster #12C right at 6:30 to start the Tuesday session.

Wednesday afternoon 4:00-5:00pm (times are approximate):
5. 4:00pm: Poster #12A: Development of an UPLC-MS/MS Method to Quantify Free Indoxyl Sulfate and P-Cresyl Sulfate - Chia-Ni Lin Chang
6. 4:15pm: Poster #11A: Retention Time Shifts with Large Drug Concentrations - Stacey Ordonio
7. 4:30pm: Poster #8D: Matrix Effects and Ion Suppression in Estradiol in LC-MS/MS Assay - Yifei Yang
8. 4:45pm: Poster #7D: Signal Suppression of Isotope Labeled IS - Additional Dilution Step Reduced Variation in Peak Area - Xiawei Fu

On Wednesday, we will meet at Poster #12A at 4pm to start this session.