Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



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Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is assembled to review abstract submissions for the annual conference. This includes reviewing abstract submissions, suggesting plenary speakers, recruiting researchers to solicit abstracts for submission to the conference and identifying emerging topics of interest. The topics outlined below are the dominant topics addressed the MSACL conferences. MSACL encourages submissions in all areas of clinical mass spectrometry and evaluates abstracts that do not fall in the main topical categories listed below by a group composed of the Chair and the Topic Leads.

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David Herold, PhD, MD
UCSD / VA Medical Center, San Diego


David Schwope, PhD (Lead)
Aegis Sciences Corporation

Roy Gerona, PhD
University of California San Francisco

Jack Henion, PhD
Advion, Inc

Marilyn Huestis, PhD
University of Maryland and Huestis & Smith Toxicology, LLC

Data Science

Patrick Mathias, MD, PhD (Lead)
University of Washington

Nuno Bandeira, PhD
University of California, San Diego

Shannon Haymond, PhD
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

Randall Julian, PhD
Indigo BioAutomation

Steve Master, MD, PhD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia


Dan Holmes, MD (Lead)
St. Paul's Hospital

Michael Chen, MD
Island Health

Brian Rappold
Lab Corp


Timothy Garrett, PhD (Lead)
University of Florida

Erin Baker, PhD
North Carolina State University

Gary Patti, PhD
Washington University

Adam Rosebrock, PhD
Stony Brook School of Medicine

Rick Yost, PhD
University of Florida


Chris Cox, PhD (Lead)
Cobio Diagnostics

Clifton Fagerquist, PhD

John Lapek, PhD

Practical Training

Rob Fitzgerald, PhD
University of California, San Diego

Judy Stone, PhD


Cory Bystrom, PhD (Lead)
Cedars Sinai

Mari DeMarco, PhD
The University of British Columbia

Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD
University of Washington

Michael Lassman, PhD

Jennifer van Eyk, PhD

Regulations & Standards

Julianne Botelho, PhD (Lead)

Hubert Vesper, PhD

Victoria Zhang, PhD
University of Rochester

Small Molecules

Kara Lynch, PhD (Lead)
University of California, San Francisco

Jennifer Colby, PhD

Mark Marzinke, PhD
Johns Hopkins University

Tissue Imaging

Livia Eberlin, PhD (Lead)
University of Texas at Austin

Ron Heeren, Prof. Dr.
Maastricht University

Kristina Schwamborn, MD, PhD
Institute of Pathology, TU Munich

Jeff Spraggins, PhD
Vanderbilt University