Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



Help Us Reach Our Educational Support Goal of $40,000
Educational Travel Grants supported in part by:

Vendor Overview

Vendors, this is your area.

Use the links at left to find all the information you need for your participation at the MSACL conference.


Corporate Sponsorships, available at multiple levels, offer package opportunities that provide significant discounts for comprehensive participation at the event. Discounts of up to 50% over retail are available.

A La Carte Sponsorships allow for selection of individual promotional opportunities, from a print page in the final conference program to getting your logo placed on the MSACL website.

Exhibit Booths

Booths for MSACL will start at $5500 for EarlyBird Registrants (by October 21). The only placement selection option available this year is for which vendors you would prefer to be to (or not to be) close to -- we will do our best to accommodate your request, but it is not guaranteed. Please feel free to Contact Us for questions.

Corporate Workshops

Corporate Workshops will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during breakfast and after lunch. There will be up to 7 available at each time period. This is the vendor's opportunity to directly share with the audience commercial product information. As a note of advice, the MSACL audience tends to react most favorably to scientifically-geared talks that incorporate commercial interests.

Presenters or their companies MAY NOT restrict access to anyone who has registered for the Conference.