MSACL 2019 EUSalzburg Sept 22-26 |
Vendors, this is your area.
Corporate Sponsorships, available at multiple levels, offer package opportunities that provide significant brand exposure opportunities while supporting a non- profit institution intent on driving growth in the field of clinical mass spectrometry.
Exhibiting with a booth or mini-table at MSACL allows you to directly interface with potential customers in the context of colleagues, company literature, company products and brand support.
Corporate Workshops offer the opportunity to address the target audience without concern as to the level of commercial bias communicated. This is your chance to pitch your product directly to your customer base, although the MSACL audience tends to react most favorably to scientifically-geared talks that incorporate commercial aspects in a relevant scientific context.
Educational Travel Grants offer the opportunity to support the attendance of individuals who are generally early in their career and (1) have a strong potential for meaningful contribution, as determined by their submitted abstract and Grant application, (2) are on track to lead a clinical laboratory and are keen to learn more about the pros and cons of mass spectrometry versus conventional methodologies, (3) currently lead a clinical lab but want to learn more about the benefits of mass spectrometry, or (4) are driving the translation of mass spec research to the clinic.
These grants not only support the growth and participation of individuals early in their career path, they build cohesion in the field while increasing awareness, and provide vendors access to key potential customers early in their careers.
Promote your brand by purchasing a print ad in the Conference Program and/or Digest.