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MSACL 2019 EU will be held at the:

Salzburg Congress Center
Auerspergstraße 6 - 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA - Tel. 0043662 88987-0

Quick Notes on the City and Hotel Location

Salzburg is a beautiful, quaint town with a river splitting the old town from the new. While a smallish town with a population of about 150,000 it is a central tourist destination primarily for it being the birthplace and early home of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Somehow it has successfully eluded the typical tourist trap sideshows that tend to overrun cities such as this and instead has created a dynamic and bustling old town with numerous alleys and nooks, each occupied by a restaurant or shop worthy of investigation. AThe town is well-known for maintaining a high level of public safety.

While the hotels near the congress center are beneficial for easy passage to the morning Plenary sessions, having a hotel south of the congress center, or even in the old town itself, will provide both the opportunity for a walk up the river to the congress center in the morning (no more than 10-20 min), and an easy return following your old town explorations in the evening.

Sheraton Hotel : Congress Hotel

We have secured a room block at the Sheraton Salzburg Hotel for €180/210 single/double, including a complete breakfast.

To make a reservation and secure this rate please send the reservation document, accessed via the link below, to Andrea Vallant.

Sheraton Reservation Form - Send to Andrea Vallant (see below)

Andrea Vallant
+43 662 889990 9907

Other hotels of interest that you may want to consider contacting directly. Please note that these prices do not typically include breakfast.

HotelApproximate Rate
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