Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™



Help Us Reach Our Educational Support Goal of $40,000
Educational Grants supported in part by:

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Educational Grant Information

MSACL's mission is educational advancement in the area of clinical mass spectrometry. The Educational Grant program is intended to advance this directive.



Educational Grants support the congress attendance of non-commercial individuals who are generally early in their career and (1) have a strong potential for meaningful contribution, as determined by their submitted abstract and Grant application, or (2) are on track to lead a clinical laboratory and are interested in learning more about the pros and cons of mass spectrometry versus conventional methodologies.

Reimbursement is by PAYPAL Only.
If you are not able to accept reimbursement by PAYPAL, please do not apply.

Application Submission Deadline:

May 15, 2019

Abstract (if required) Submission Deadline:

May 15, 2019


Jun 17, 2019

1. Young Investigator Grant

Abstract Submission Required by May 15, 2019 -- FOR POSTER OR PODIUM.

This grant is for non-commercial individuals submitting abstracts on clinical mass spectrometry for either oral or poster presentations. Awards are targeted for the support of MD/residents/fellows, PhD students, post-docs, and young faculty members (less than 4 years since appointment).

This grant may cover one or more of:

  1. If you are selected to present from the podium, up to 75 EUR per night for hotel costs for up to

    5 nights

    within the days of Saturday to Thursday (departure on Friday), ,
  2. Short Course Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks), AND/OR
  3. Congress Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks).

2. Trainee Grant

Abstract Submission NOT Required.

This grant is for non-commercial MD/Residents/Fellows, PhD students, Post-docs and young faculty members (less than 4 years since appointment) who are in training to direct a clinical Lab and are interested in acquiring a greater understanding of the value of mass spectrometry as a tool for use in the clinical laboratory setting.

This grant will cover:

  1. Short Course Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks), AND/OR
  2. Conference Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks).

3. Lab Director Grant

Abstract Submission NOT Required.

This grant is for non-commercial Clinical Lab Directors who are aiming to get a better understanding of what mass spectrometry can do for their lab. The grant is targeted to Lab Directors who have had minimal mass spec exposure and are looking to gain more information on the potential value of mass spectrometry in their laboratory.

This grant will cover:

  1. Short Course Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks), AND/OR
  2. Congress Registration (includes some meals and coffee breaks).

Grant Requirements

Obligations of Grantee:

  • Attend a Short Course, to the best of your ability
  • Attend the congress through Thursday, or to the best of your ability.
  • Get to know the exhibitors and other attendees. They are here because you are here. And they want to meet you.

Application Process

Reimbursement is by PAYPAL Only.
If you are not able to accept reimbursement by PAYPAL, please do not apply.



Grant status notifications will be sent by, or near, Jun 17, 2019 via email.