Meet-up in front of Registration in De Anza Foyer.
Advice: Once on path, go left towards Cannery Row.
Registration Desk Opens
Location: De Anza Foyer
Addressing Hurdles in Clinical Translation of Targeted Proteomics
Location: De Anza
Jeffrey Whiteaker, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Quantifying proteins and post-translational modifications will improve precision medicine, but several hurdles remain to adopting proteomics to the clinical laboratory. Dr. Whiteaker will discuss successes and remaining challenges for incorporating targeted proteomic measurements in clinical trials and other clinical applications.
Newborn Screening by Mass Spec Meets Newborn Screening by DNA Sequencing
Location: De Anza
Michael Gelb, PhD
University of Washington
Michael H. Gelb is Professor of Chemistry and Barbara L. Weinstein Endowed Chair in Chemistry, Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Washington. Major developments in the Gelb lab include discovery of protein prenylation, development of ICAT proteomic reagents, identification of phospholipases involved in lipid mediator generation, development of anti-parasite drugs, and development of mass spectrometry for newborn screening. Awards include: Repligen Award in Chemistry of Biological Processes (Amer. Chem. Soc.), Univ.of Washington Faculty Lecture Award, Gustavus John Esselen Award (Harvard Univ.), AAAS Fellow, NIH Merit Award, Medicines for Malaria Project of the Year Award, Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry, ICI Pharmaceuticals Award for Excellence in Chemistry. The Gelb lab has published more than 500 papers and 100 patents in biological chemistry. The Gelb laboratory has developed mass spectrometry for worldwide newborn screening of lysosomal storage diseases (the latest expansion of newborn screening panels).
Our laboratory has been developing tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for worldwide expansion of newborn screening (NBS) panels to include an ever-increasing collection of treatable genetic diseases. There is widespread discussion on the use of whole genome and whole exome DNA sequencing in population-wide NBS. The intersection of biochemical- and DNA-based NBS is an interesting topic now under heavy discussion.
We will highlight the development of liquid chromatography-MS/MS (LC-MS/MS) for multiplex NBS of a large panel of treatable genetic diseases in newborns. Next generation sequencing (NGS) is also employed currently as a second-tier analysis after LC-MS/MS assays. We will also illustrate how it is possible to carry out first-tier NGS followed by second-tier LC-MS/MS NBS.
LC-MS/MS is used together with enzyme substrates and biomarkers to monitor the activity of a large collection of enzymes and to measure the abundance of biomarkers in dried blood spots on NBS cards. We will focus on multiplex methods and then zoom in one a more detailed analysis of one disease called metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). We carried out a pilot MLD NBS study and determined that the rate of false positives out of 28,000 newborns screened is essentially zero showing the power of LC-MS/MS for NBS of this lysosomal storage disorder. In the second arm of the study, we have been measuring the activity of the enzyme relevant to MLD on a large collection of gene variants that are found in allele databases and for which no pathogenic information is reported. We show how we can integrate these efforts to provide for a highly efficient NBS program for MLD.
We screened ~28,000 newborns for elevated sulfatide lipid, the biomarker that is relevant to MLD and found 180 high sulfatide newborns. These were submitted to an assay of the activity of the relevant enzyme, arylsulfatase A, and all but two showed normal levels of activity. DNA sequencing was carried out on 2 newborns, one with 0% and one with 8% of normal ARSA activity. The newborn with 0% activity was confirmed to have MLD, the other was shown to not have MLD. On the DNA front, we created a phenotype matrix that allows one to input the ARSA enzymatic activity of each variant to provide a composite genotype, and to make a prediction of the phenotype associated with this genotype. We show that this method is 83% accurate at predicting the true set of phenotypes observed in MLD patients.
Massively multiplexed NBS of genetic diseases in newborns is possible using LC-MS/MS, and when used with second-tier NGS leads to a successful NBS platform. We show that it is also possible to carry out NGS as a first-tier NBS step and to clarify the results with second-tier biochemical assays based on LC-MS/MS. Thus LC-MS/MS meets DNA and DNA meets LC-MS/MS, and this provides a framework for the future employment of both LC-MS/MS and NGS in expansion of population based NBS.
Coffee Break
Location: De Anza Foyer
Utilization of Mass Spectrometry to Discover and Develop Novel Biomarkers to Support Drug Development
Location: De Anza
Veronica Anania, PhD
Experienced researcher with Ph. D. in Molecular and Cell biology with over 10 years experience in immunology, protein biochemistry, and methods development. Strong neuroimmunology biomarker strategist and mass spectrometry group leader.
Biomarkers play an important role in the drug development process including providing necessary insights into target engagement, dose selection and mechanism of action of candidate therapeutics. LC-MS is uniquely positioned to enable accurate quantitation of both small and large molecule biomarker candidates, however, the process of going from biomarker discovery to a multiplexed targeted MRM panel in clinical samples is long and resource intensive. Moreover, biomarker candidates often fail to replicate when tested in large clinical cohorts. Recent advances in data-independent MS (DIA-MS) have made this technology more accessible and certain benefits of DIA-MS including reproducible label-free analysis of hundreds of samples, ability to capture low abundance ions over a high dynamic range, and deep proteome coverage makes this technology well suited to streamline translational proteomics. One major hurdle for using DIA-MS to support drug development is that the quantitative range for most DIA-MS methods has not been well characterized and thus, quantitative conclusions drawn by prior studies that have employed this approach have been controversial. Here, we describe challenges associated with applying DIA-MS methods to address questions associated with clinical development and introduce best practices for establishing quantitative criteria for DIA-MS approaches in clinical trial samples. Results and lessons learned from both discovery and targeted clinical biomarker studies will be discussed and a model for a more streamlined biomarker development workflow that conserves resources and provides more comprehensive proteomic information from clinical trial samples will be discussed.
Panel Discussion
Location: De Anza
Closing Statements
Location: De Anza
Boxed Lunch Pick-Up and Mixer
Location: Jacks
Pickup a boxed lunch and enjoy a little down time or check out the workshop starting in Bonsai at 1215.
Workshop: Rethinking the Traditional Workflow for Urine Toxicology Testing
Location: Bonsai
Melissa Budelier, PhD
TriCore Reference Laboratories
Dr. Budelier the Medical Director of Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology at TriCore Reference Laboratories and Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of New Mexico. She is also the CLIA laboratory director of TriCore's core laboratory. Her research interests are broadly focused on developing clinically useful, mass spectrometry-based assays to improve diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Her expertise are in Toxicology/TDM, assay development and validation, and protein quantification.
Benjamin Beppler
TriCore Reference Laboratories
- Identify common challenges with reflexive urine drug screening
- Discuss the utility of 'hybrid' testing and direct to definitive testing using mass spectrometry
- Address the importance of drug panel test selection, and the potential issues with specific drug classes
- Describe the value of providing interpretive reports for urine drug testing, particularly for pain management clients
Workshop Summary
Many clinical laboratories continue to utilize a traditional urine drug testing algorithm involving an initial screen, typically via an automated immunoassay, followed by confirmation of positive and/or unexpected results using mass spectrometry. This algorithm emerged in the 1970s and 1980s from the desire to test for the use of illicit substances in the military and other workplaces. It was designed to answer the question: Are employees upholding a drug-free workplace? This algorithm presents significant limitations in many clinical situations, particularly in the areas of pain management and substance use disorder treatments, where the primary question changes to: Is my patient taking their medication as prescribed? This workshop will discuss several alternatives for urine drug testing, such as direct to mass spectrometry testing and 'hybrid' panels. It will also discuss considerations for selecting the appropriate analytes for urine drug testing panels and potential pitfalls associated with certain classes of drugs. Finally, it will introduce our recent efforts to implement the use of interpretive reporting for pain management clients.
Workshop: Pre-analytical considerations as prerequisite for successful clinical application of lipidomics
Location: De Anza 1
Robert Gurke, PhD
Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP
Robert Gurke received his diploma in chemistry at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin, Germany in 2012 followed by his doctoral thesis at the Technische Universität Dresden in 2016. After a short period as study director in a GLP-compliant bioanalytical company in Berlin he started working as research associate at the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology as well as the Fraunhofer ITMP in Frankfurt under the guidance of Prof. Geisslinger. Robert Gurke is head of the LC-MS analytics group in both institutions since 2021. Mr Gurke is performing LC-MS/MS analysis since starting his doctoral thesis and gained broad experience in the field of developing and validating methods for the determination of exogenous and endogenous small molecules in different complex matrices.
Bo Burla, PhD
Sling @ National University of Singapore
I studied biology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and made my PhD in Molecular Plant Physiology in the lab of Prof. Enrico Martinoia, focusing on ABC transporters and comparative molecular phylogenetics. Subsequently, I became as researcher at the University Hospital of Zurich, where I was involved in establishing an LC/MS-based assay for the peptide hormone hepcidin and in projects studying Fabry Disease mechanisms. Biological processes, bioanalysis, clinical applications and the use of informatics to improve workflows have been my constant research interests. With this background I am now working as a senior researcher at the Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING), heading our new data team that is focusing on developing workflows and software pipelines for the analytical data processing, QA/AC and exploration of the diverse lipidomics datasets generated by our lab.
Margret Thorsteinsdottir, PhD
University of Iceland
Professor in Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland and R&D Director of ArcticMass LTd, Reykjavik, Iceland. Dr. Thorsteinsdóttir received her PhD from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1998. From 2000 to 2009 she was the managing director of Bioanalytical Laboratories at deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland. She has extensive experience in development of analytical methods for metabolite profiling and quantification of clinical biomarkers in various biofluids utilizing chemometrics with the goal of improved clinical management of patients towards personalized patient care.
Her current research interest includes studies of lipid metabolism in cancer cells and profiling plasma derived biomarkers for early detection of BRCA-related breast cancer. She is responsible for implementation of clinical mass spectrometry for support of diagnostics and therapeutic drug monitoring in collaboration with ArcticMass and the Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland with major focus on quantitative targeted proteomics for clinical diagnosis. She is a principal investigator of the Icelandic Research Rannis projects, profiling metabolites for breast cancer diagnosis and search for novel biomarkers for early breast cancer diagnosis by metabolomics. Dr. Thorsteinsdóttir is a principal investigator for the Marine Biotechnology ERA-net project CYNOBESITY and the Horizon 2020 project MossTech, with the main task to isolate, identify and structurally characterize bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria, Icelandic mosses and liverworts. She is one of the founders of Females in Mass Spectrometry (FeMS), she is a vice-leader of the working group clinical significance and applications of (epi)lipidomics in the pan-European network, EpiLipidNET and vice-chair of the Nordic Metabolomics Society.
Anne K. Bendt, PhD
Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING), National University of Singapore
Anne K Bendt studied Biology focusing on marine biotechnology (Greifswald University, Germany), followed by a PhD in Biochemistry (Cologne University, Germany) employing proteomics and transcriptomics. Driven by her fascination for infectious diseases, she joined the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2004 to develop lipidomics tools for tuberculosis studies. She is now a Principal Investigator at the Life Sciences Institute, NUS, focussing on translation of mass spec technologies into clinical applications, and serving as the Deputy Director of the Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING) taking care of operations and commercialization.
It is the objective of the workshop to provide an introduction into pre-analytical considerations for clinical application of MS-based analytics, with a special focus on lipids. However, these considerations are in many cases independent of specific analytes of interest and can hence be applied for polar metabolites as well as proteins. The workshop is focused on main hurdles to be considered when performing clinical research using LC-MS based determination of lipids namely: (I) pre-analytical sample handling, (II) frequent generation of patient samples as well as (III) overall cohort and study design.
Lipids are involved in a broad spectrum of functionalities in the organism and implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Changes in lipid levels are promising biomarkers for early diagnosis, prognosis of disease progression, or guidance for selecting promising therapeutic approaches. However, biomarker discovery in the field of lipidomics is a very challenging process since lipids require specific procedures regarding sampling (including selection of sample type and collection procedures, storage conditions and number of freeze-thaw cycles), sample preparation and analysis for reliable determination. As especially pre-analytical sample handling is a critical step for the reliable analysis of the lipidome, a close cooperation with the clinicians is necessary. This ensures following a highly standardized protocol for venous blood sampling to avoid several pre-analytical pitfalls potentially changing the lipid profile ex vivo. As collecting venous blood samples is very laborious for patients as well as clinicians, other ways for a more frequent sample collection are necessary. Therefore, capillary blood sampling using microsampling devices is an auspicious way to complement the strategy of analyzing venous blood-based samples taken in the clinics. Besides considering the right sampling strategy, the structured recording of sampling details and subject metadata, the overall planning of the study and also the cohorts to be included is of high relevance. All mentioned points have to be considered before starting a clinical research project applying lipidomics to generate high quality data making biomarker discovery possible.
- Pre-Analytical factors influencing lipid concentrations
- Capillary vs. venous blood sampling - the potential of microsampling
- Cohort & Study design for lipidomics in clinical research
Short Course: LC-MSMS 201 : Understanding and Optimization of LC-MS/MS to Develop Successful Methods for Identification and Quantitation in Complex Matrices
Location: De Anza 2
Robert Voyksner, PhD
LCMS Limited
Dr. Robert D. Voyksner received his B.S. in Chemistry at Canisius College in 1978 and his Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1982. He was employed at Research Triangle Institute (RTI) from 1983-2001 as the director of the mass spectrometry facility and has been responsible for developing
extraction, separation and mass spectrometric methods for biologically and environmentally significant compounds. His work earned him the Presidents Award, the highest award within RTI. In 2001 he co-founded LCMS Limited in Durham, NC and has been the CEO of the company to date. Under his direction LCMS Limited is working on technological advancements in LC-MS/MS, offering services to pharmaceutical, clinical and agrochemical industry for solving unique problems by LC/MS/MS and offering training in LC/MS/MS and MS/MS interpretation and on LC/MS/MS instrumentation. Dr Voyksner is also an Adjunct professor at the North Carolina a School of Veterinary Medicine and at The University of North Carolina
School of Pharmacy.
Dr. Voyksner's research in mass spectrometry has resulted in over 230 publications and presentations, primarily in the area of LC-MS/MS. He has served on the Board of Directors for The American Society For Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), is on the organization committee for The Montreux LC/MS Symposium and was the organizer for the 1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007 Montreux LC/MS Symposia. Dr. Voyksner has taught over 100 courses on LC-MSMS, CE/MS and CID interpretation during the past 10 years for MSACL, ASMS, pharmaceutical companies; ISSX, PBA, HPCE and HPLC focused meetings.
Workshop: CLSI C64 - Supporting development of quantitative protein and peptide assays for clinical use
Location: De Anza 3
Cory Bystrom, PhD
Russell Grant, PhD
Dr. Grant earned a first-class honors degree in Industrial Chemistry from Cardiff University and a PhD in Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric technologies from the University of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. He continued his scientific training in various industrial settings, which have included senior scientist at GSK, Principal scientist at Cohesive Technologies, Technical director at Eli Lilly, and Director of Mass Spectrometry at Esoterix Endocrinology. Dr Grant is currently the Vice President of Research and Development and co-discipline director for Mass spectrometry at Labcorp. Dr Grant has pioneered the use of direct injection technologies, chromatographic systems multiplexing, microsampling, utility of automation, and other new analytical platforms in direct patient care. His research goals are focused upon improvements in speed, sensitivity, and quality of liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) analytical systems and assays. Dr Grant has been awarded 100 patents and received both the MSACL Distinguished contribution award and ASMS AL Yergey “Unsung Hero” Award in 2024 for his contributions to Clinical Diagnostics using Mass Spectrometry.
* with Special Guest Stars *
Workshop attendees will gain an understanding of the clinical assay development framework for proteins and peptides established in CLSI C64. Using C64 as a framework for development will help the laboratorian approach protein and peptide assay development confident that analytical performance will meet clinical requirements.
The development and validation of quantitative assays for proteins and peptides for clinical use is a significant undertaking and presents challenges that are distinct from small molecules. The heterogeneous nature of proteins and the frequent requirement to use proteolysis aided workflows add complexity that require careful attention to definition
The workshop will be an interactive discussion covering each chapter in C64, guided by authors that contributed extensively to the development of the document.
Objective 1: Understand the holistic process of delivering a clinically relevant LC-MS/MS protein/peptide assay from inception to validation.
Objective 2: Recognize the factors in assay development that are unique to proteins and peptides in comparison to traditional small molecule assays.
Objective 3: Understand key experimental requirements for successful development and validation.
1. Introduction to C64, philosophy and scope
2. Interactive discussion of each chapter
Short Course: Sample Prep 201 : Sample Preparation and Alternative Matrices for LC-MS Assays
Location: Bonsai
William Clarke, PhD, MBA, DABCC
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Clarke received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln in 2000, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, ending in 2002. In addition, he received an MBA focused on medical services management from the Carey School of Business at Johns Hopkins in 2007. Following his post-doctoral fellowship, he remained at Johns Hopkins, where he is a Professor in the Department of Pathology, as well as the director of Point-of-Care Testing, Reference Toxicology, and Phlebotomy for the hospital. He also serves as the Vice-Chair for Quality and Regulatory Affairs in the Department of Pathology. His research interests include clinical mass spectrometry, method development and evaluation for therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical toxicology, point-of-care testing, and development/validation of biomarkers for use in drug management. Dr. Clarke has published as author or co-author over 170 peer-reviewed manuscripts or book chapters, and is the Co-Editor of the textbook Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry.
Mark Marzinke, PhD, DABCC, FAACC
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Mark Marzinke is Professor of Pathology and Medicine in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is board-certified in Clinical Chemistry by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. He serves as the Director of the General Chemistry Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Clinical Pharmacology Analytical Laboratory within the Division of Clinical Pharmacology. Dr. Marzinke is Co-Principal Investigator (PI) of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) Laboratory Center (LC) and is the Director of the Clinical Laboratory Core for the Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research. His primary research interests are in the areas of antiretroviral pharmacology, HIV prevention science, mass spectrometry, pharmacogenetics and precision medicine, and laboratory automation. Dr. Marzinke has an active research program and serves as a principal investigator (PI) or co-investigator on a number of grants. He has collaborated on research to better characterize the multi-compartment pharmacology of antiretroviral agents when administered using alternative drug delivery systems using liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric approaches. He has published more than 180 peer-reviewed articles, and holds leadership positions in several societies.
This in-person activity is Segment 2 (4 hr) of a 3 segment (12 hour total), part in-person and part online, short course.
Segments 1 and 3 will take place ONLINE on March 4 & April 22, 2022. The first segment is before the conference, the third segment is after the conference.
While attending this IN-PERSON segment is FREE, the ONLINE attendance is fee-based. You can REGISTER HERE.
This course highlights not only the importance of sample processing in the clinical laboratory environment, but also illustrates the "fit for purpose" application of processing techniques in clinical mass spectrometry. This course discusses the theory behind different specimen preparation methods, strengths and weaknesses of each approach, as well as opportunities for automation.
The first 4 hour online segment will cover workshop ground rules, introduction, pain points of LC-MS, specimen processing (tube types, management, etc.), and matrix effects.
The second 4 hour in-person segment will cover dilution and protein precipitation, solid phase extraction, supported liquid extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, and affinity-based sample preparation
The third 4 hour online segment (online) will elaborate on the foundations established in the first two segments, and expand into newer technologies and automated alternatives for sample processing.
Specific topics to be covered include:
Pain points in clinical LC-MS
Overview of specimen processing in laboratory medicine
Off-line sample processing
On-line sample processing
Analysis of blood and urine
LC-MS of tissue specimens
Alternate body fluid specimens (e.g. CSF, breast milk, etc.)
Dried specimens as matrices
Automation of sample processing
Topics will be covered through lecture, Q&A, Case Studies, and small group exercises.
Short Course: Data Science 201 : Going Further With R: Tackling Clinical Laboratory Data Manipulation and Modeling
Location: Colton
Patrick Mathias, MD, PhD
University of Washington
Patrick Mathias, M.D., Ph.D., is a board-certified clinical pathologist and Associate Director of Informatics for UW Laboratory Medicine.
Lab medicine has large impact on the general practice of medicine. It is key to correctly diagnosing diseases and selecting the right treatments for patients. Dr. Mathias's goal is to combine technical and medical knowledge to fulfill the triple aim--reduce the per capita cost of health care, improve the health of populations and most importantly improve the patient experience of care.
Dr. Mathias earned his M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. His clinical and research interests include clinical informatics, clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics.
Shannon Haymond, PhD
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
My lab performs research and clinical testing using mass spectrometry methods, develops new assays, and applies data analytics to enable improved quality and efficiency. My computational pathology efforts are aimed at building the capacity for advanced data analytics in the department through innovations in infrastructure, education, and research to facilitate data-informed decision making for clinical care, operations, and quality assurance.
This is the first segment (4 hr) of a 16 hour, part in-person and part online, short course.
Segments 2, 3 and 4 will take place ONLINE on April 28,29 and 30, 2022
While attending this IN-PERSON segment is FREE, the ONLINE attendance is fee-based. You can REGISTER HERE.
Having completed your first steps into the wonderful world of data analysis with R (Data Science 101 with Daniel Holmes), would you like to go further? You’ve learned the basics of R, so now it’s time to put that knowledge to work and tackle some interesting clinical applications. Along the way you will also be introduced to even more of capabilities of R and the tools developed by the amazing R community.
The course will be run over two days and time will be split between lecture sessions, individual problem solving, and a highly interactive group-level data mining of real data sets (there may even be prizes). Like the introductory course, this class will maintain the “no student left behind policy”. Students will be given time to solve problems taken from real life laboratory work and to do some more advanced analysis on large scale data sets. All attendees will need to bring a laptop with the R language installed and R Studio interface installed. Students may use Windows, Mac OSX or Linux environments. Both R and R studio are free (as in “Free Beer”) and open-source.
Students should be prepared continue to expand their skill in programming – which, as you learned in the introductory course can be a little frustrating, but not as frustrating as not being able to get the computer to do what you want at all!
Obtaining the Software
!!! POWER : Make sure your computer is charged to hold power for 4 hrs, as power outlets may not be available.